Organizational leadership theory x and y book

Oct 01, 2016 this book is intended for students, leaders and managers who wish to explore the personal relevance and conceptual bases of educational leadership and organizational management and to develop their expertise in this field. Lets take a look at where theory x y came from and how we can apply it to be better leaders. In his 1960 management book, the human side of enterprise, douglas mcgregor. The two theories are sets of propositions and beliefs about human nature. While discussing every component of organizational leadership would be well beyond the scope of this document, five key components of organizational leadership are identified below. Motivation douglas mcgregors x and y theory background. Difference between theory x and theory y compare the. Theory x and theory y are wellresearched leadership principles. How american management can meet the japanese challenge.

Theory x and theory y are part of motivational theories. In his 1960 management book, the human side of enterprise, douglas mcgregor made his mark on the history of organizational management and motivational psychology when he proposed the two theories by which managers perceive employee motivation. Organizational leadership theory is a concept that defines how an entity governs itself through those individual who dedicate their lives to its workings. Sage reference theory x and theory y sage knowledge. His 1960 book the human side of enterprise focused on theory x and theory y approaches to leadership. Douglas mcgregor is a social psychologist and applied two sets of assumptions to the organizational structure called theory x and theory y. Theory x and theory y published in the sage encyclopedia of management theories. Management of organizational behavior, 10th edition. Theory x advanced the view that human beings have an innate dislike for work.

Theory x gives importance to supervision, while theory y stresses on rewards and recognition. The two theories proposed by mcgregor describe contrasting models of workforce motivation applied by managers in human resource management, organizational. His major writings are cited along with two volumes which were actually published several years after his death by bennis, caroline mcgregor, and schein. Douglas mcgregor wrote about theory x and theory y in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Mcgregor developed a philosophical view of humankind with his theory x and theory y in 1960.

Theory x and theory y describe two views of people at work and may be used to describe two opposing. Pdf theory x and theory y published in the sage encyclopedia. And, just like your algebra class, x and y dont work totally independently, although you can manage in a style that is mostly a theory x or theory y management style. This is one of those books which i would recommend to anyone looking to study leadership or management, as a. Understand the contrast between the two theories or completely different styles of management and learn how you can apply this in your organizational context. He avoided descriptive labels and simply called the theories theory x and theory y. This refers to an authoritarian management style, where reward and punishment is seen as the best way to motivate employees to meet objectives. Theory x emphasizes scalar chain system and centralization of authority in the organization while theory y emphasizes decentralization and greater participation in the decisionmaking process. Older, strictly hierarchical conceptions of c2, with narrow centralization of decision rights, highly constrained patterns of interaction, and limited information distribution tend to arise from cultural and organizational assumptions compatible with theory x. Jun 25, 2019 developed in the 1960s by douglas mcgregor in his book, the human side of enterprise, theory x and theory y allocate the job of management into two styles. D ouglas mcgregor, an american social psychologist, developed his theory x and theory y of human motivation at the mit sloan school of management in the 1960s.

Mcgregors xy theory remains central to organizational development, and to. For undergraduate and graduatelevel courses in organizational behavior, leadership, and organizational development. Douglas mcgregor, an american social psychologist, proposed his famous xy theory in his 1960 book the human side of enterprise. Mcgregor postulated 2 theories on human management and leadership which are theory x and theory y. It is important to note that both theory x and theory y are based on the argument that there are specific approaches to managing.

Difference between theory x and theory y with comparison. Management of organizational behavior, 10th edition pearson. Mcgregors xy theory is a natural rule for managing people. If theory y holds, an organization can apply these principles of scientific management to improve employee motivation. These theories are based on the premise that management has to assemble all the factors of production, including human beings, to get the work done. Mcgregors six assumptions of theory y and his ideas of integrating individual and organization. Leadership and organizational behavior in education. Technofunc mcgregors leadership theory x and theory y. The relationship between mcgregors xy theory management. Introduced by douglas mcgregor, theory x and theory y talk about the diverging views that exist about how organizations function. Furthermore, most people prefer to be treated this way, so they can avoid. Theory x and theory y management oxford bibliographies. Douglas mcgregors theory x and theory y introduction.

Theory x, theory y, and theory z introduction to business. According to mcgregor, theory x management assumes the following. Douglas mcgregor, an american social psychologist, proposed his famous x y theory in his 1960 book the human side of enterprise. Theory x, theory y, and theory z simple book production. It has been used in human resource management, organizational behavior, and organizational development. According to mcgregor, theory x leadership assumes the following. Organizational leadership requires developing an understanding of your own worldview as well as the worldviews of others. In a types x organization, leadership style is authoritarian and centralized control is retained by management, while in theory y, the leadership style is participative and management of the organization involves employees in decision making, but final decision is. His theory is based on managerial views of human beings. Theory x is propounded by mcgregor, which indicates a set of assumptions, that an average worker is motivated to satisfy their own needs and not to contribute to the fulfilment of organisational goals. In a types x organization, leadership style is authoritarian and centralized control is retained by management, while in theory y, the leadership style is participative and management of the organization involves employees in decision making, but final decision is made by top level management. It encapsulated a fundamental distinction between management styles. Douglas mcgregor then arrived at the conclusion that the style of leadership depends on the managers perception of people. Professor douglas mcgregor highlighted that there is a significant relationship between motivation and leadership among people.

He is best known for his development of the theory x and theory y, a leadership theory on two different leadership styles. Many years ago a professor named mcgregor dubbed these perspectives theory x and theory y. Theory x and theory y are basically opposite to each other. Differences between theory x and theory y difference between. It describes two contrasting sets of assumptions that managers make about their people. Mcgregors ideas suggest that there are two fundamental approaches to managing people. Theory x and y was be to reflected in numerous management.

He summarized the findings of the hawthorn experiment by introducing both theory x and theory y. The original book, the human side of enterprise, by douglas mcgregor, was written in 1960, and. To start off with, heres a brief definition of mcgregors theory x and theory y. Theory x and theory y to pick the best management style. After reading you will understand the background and the practical basics of these leadership styles what is theory x and theory y. Theory x, theory y by douglas mcgregor is a motivation theory. Theory x percieves employees to be lazy, irresponsible and untrustworthy, while according to theory y employees are approached as one of the most valuable assets of the company. He referred to these two perceptions as theory x and theory y. Mcgregor theory x and theory y for staff and employees. Sep 09, 2016 douglas mcgregor wrote about theory x and theory y in the late 1950s and early 1960s.

Theory x and theory y type leadership behavior and its impact on organizational performance. Mc gregors theory x and y are still applicable in todays leadership styles. They can only be made to get results at work by the application of. Many have categorized theory x as an autocratic type of leadership and theory y as democratic style. The concept of theory x and theory y was developed by social psychologist douglas mcgregor. In his 1960 book, the human side of enterprise, mcgregor proposed two theories by which managers perceive and.

The organizational communication channel provides videos on popular research and theory topics for communication students everywhere. Theory z is a name for various theories of human motivation built on douglas mcgregors theory x and theory y. Douglas mcgregors theory x vs theory y lucidchart blog. However, the literature has a limited number of studies concerning organizational performance of small and medium businesses, even less research on the impact on organizational performance of theory x and theory y type leadership styles. Theory x and theory y in his 1960 book, the human side of enterprise, douglas mcgregor proposed two theories by which to view employee motivation. Either theory x or theory y assumptions may be appropriate in a particular situation. This approach is derived from fred fiedlers research over various leadership styles known as the contingency theory. Pdf theory x and theory y type leadership behavior and its. Under this theory, the employees are highly selfmotivated, and they need little encouragement from upper management to deliver quality results on a day to day basis. Learn about theory x and theory y proposed by mcgregor in 1960s and understand what management styles they encourage respectively. In 1960, douglas mcgregor developed a leadership theory mcgregor theory x and theory y about organization and management in which he represented. Mar 30, 2020 organizational leadership theory is a concept that defines how an entity governs itself through those individual who dedicate their lives to its workings. Theory x and theory y management applicationbusiness implications for workforce motivation.

Theory x and theory y assumptions, merits and demerits. You may, however, find that you naturally favor one over the other. In 1960, douglas mcgregor developed a leadership theory mcgregor theory x and theory y about organization and management in which he represented two opposing perceptions about people. Theory x and theory y are still referred to commonly in the field of management and motivation, and whilst more recent studies have questioned the rigidity of the model, mcgregors x y theory remains a valid basic principle from which to develop. Most managers will likely use a mixture of theory x and theory y. Identifying that some people may not have gotten the level of development assumed by theory y, mcgregor submits that those employees may require a structure of harder controls that a manager can ease as each employee progresses. Theory x and theory y type leadership behavior and its.

Theory x and theory y news newspapers books scholar jstor october 2015 learn. Leadership style and organizational performance have been researched extensively. Theory x assumes that people dislike work and must be coerced, controlled, and directed toward organizational goals. Mcgregors theory x and theory y douglas mcgregors in his book the human side of enterprise published in 1960, explained two different kinds of theories or assumptions about human behavior. Mcgregor argued that theory y controlling does not indicate a soft approach. Theory x and theory y were first explained by mcgregor in his book, the human side of enterprise. Douglas mcgregor work is established in motivation theory. Theory x assumes that there is a centralization of authority and very tight control over the employees, but theory y says that the authority should be decentralized and that should be leniency in control. Douglas mcgregors landmark book, the human side of enterprise, changed the path of. According to mcgregor, organizations with a theory x approach tend to have several tiers of. Leaders know best, and should closely direct actions taken by staff, with little room for independence and.

Theory x holds a negative traditional view of the workers while theory y holds a much refined and. And the most lauded skills, especially in leadership, lie in the ability to connect seemingly disparate ideas and communicate those ideas clearly. Both the theories, which are very different from each other, are used by managers to motivate their employees. Feb 03, 2012 understanding and properly applying the theory x y leadership model will help. His work is based upon maslows hierarchy of needs, where he grouped the hiera. Motivation theory x and theory y free management books. He referred to these opposing motivational methods as theory x and theory y management. This was followed in 1960 by the human side of enterprise, a book. Theory x and theory y type leadership behavior and its impact. Small business owners in the sishane lighting and chandelier district. Theory z was developed by william ouchi, in his book 1981 theory z. Jul 11, 2017 managers generally have one of two perspectives regarding their employees. He referred to these opposing motivational methods as theory x and theory y. The author sets forth a model of how theory y relates to managerial style and behavior.

Educational leadership and organizational management. Theory x and theory y are theories of human work motivation and management. Theory x and theory y was an idea devised by douglas mcgregor see article in his 1960 book the human side of enterprise. The human side of enterprise is the work that first presented theory x and theory y. You might, for instance, have a tendency to micromanage or, conversely, you may prefer to take a more handsoff approach. Ouchis theory first appeared in his 1981 book, theory z. Learn organizational theories leadership with free interactive flashcards. Mcgregors work was rooted in motivation theory alongside the works of abraham maslow, who created the hierarchy of needs. In 1960, douglas mcgregor formulated theory x and theory y suggesting two aspects of human behaviour at work, or in other words, two different views of individuals employees. Theory x management style generally get poor results compare with managers use theory y, which produces better performance and results, and allows people to grow and develop. Comparison of theories x and y, urwicks theory z, history of.

This entry first describes mcgregors theory x and theory y. Theory x and y were created and developed by douglas mcgregor at the mit sloan school of management in the 1960s 2. In some cases, arguments can be made that organizational leadership is simply an extension of individual leadership traits or styles. The points given below are substantial, so far as the difference between theory x and theory y is concerned. Theory x and theory y framework proposed by mcgregor in his classic book the human side of enterprise 1960 consists of two alternative set of assumptions. Motivation theories you should know for the pmp certification. Theory x says that the average human being is lazy and self. His 1967 book the professional manager built upon the ideas presented in his first book, along with providing behavioral, social, and psychological aspects implications of the previous ideas. They were created by douglas mcgregor while he was working at the mit sloan school of management in the 1950s, and developed further in the 1960s. Choose from 500 different sets of organizational theories leadership flashcards on quizlet. My rationale is based on the fact that the assumptions of the leader on the part of the employee who is in the category of theory x reflects the total mental make up of an individual. Designed for aspiring school leaders, administrators, and supervisors, leadership and organizational behavior. Quite often, this is true as an organization is simply a legal entity that has no morals.

While theory x managers may be suited for some processdriven organizations, a more practical management style today is that of a theory y thinker. In a nutshell, theory x states that people inherently dislike their jobs, see them as a necessary evil, are unmotivated, and must be externally controlled throughout the day by coercion, direction, or threat of punishment. Mcgregor theory x and theory y for staff and employees motivation. Theory x people dislike work, have little ambition, and are unwilling to take responsibility. The philosophical approach, second edition, edited by. Key components of organizational leadership tdk tech. May 02, 2017 key difference theory x vs theory y theory x and theory y were introduced in 1960 by douglas mcgregor, an american social psychologist in his book the human side of enterprise.

In his book, the human side of enterprise, he outlined a new role for managers. Abstract mcgregor, douglas 1960 douglas mcgregor, an american social psychologist, proposed his famous theory x and y models in his book the human side of enterprise 1960. Theory x and theory y were part of mcgregors philosophy of management, which represented a fundamental change in management thought and practice. I knew instinctively that mcgregors assessment of the traditional view management, which he names theory x, was true because i had worked in x environments for years, trying to run y divisions. As you would expect, theory y sees motivation in the opposite manner of theory x. An organization with this style of management is made up of several levels of. Theory y, on the other hand, states that work is natural. The theory x and theory y are the theories of motivation given by douglas mcgregor in 1960s.

Dec 10, 2018 douglas mcgregor 1906 1964 was a famous management professor in the field of personal development and motivational theory. In his 1960 book, the human side of enterprise, mcgregor proposed two theories by which managers perceive and address employee motivation. But what about rankandfile employees in todays economy. Theory x and theory y are still referred to commonly in the field of management and motivation, and whilst more recent studies have questioned the rigidity of the model, mcgregors xy theory remains a valid basic principle from which to develop positive management. It is a book written for both scholars and practitioners.

Theory x and theory y in 1960, douglas mcgregor formulated theory x and theory y suggesting two aspects of human behaviour at work, or in other words, two different views of individuals employees. Theory x and theory y also have implications in military command and control c2. Theories x, y and various versions of z have been used in human resource management, organizational behavior, organizational communication and organizational development. The idea that a managers attitude has an impact on employee motivation was originally proposed by douglas mcgregor, a management professor at the massachusetts institute of technology during the 1950s and 1960s. For example, in his book leadership and motivation, mcgregor. His work showed that thoughts and beliefs might influence behavior. Organizational culture and leadership, fifth edition. Theory x and theory y team management training from. The result was theory za development beyond theory x and theory y that blended the best of eastern and western management practices. Developed in the 1960s by douglas mcgregor in his book, the human side of enterprise, theory x and theory y allocate the job of management into two styles.

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